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N-Iussp: Authors’ guidelines:
All the articles must be short (about 1,000 words), preferably subdivided into two-three subsections, with titles. Adding one or two simple tables or graphs is strongly encouraged. Please include a 50-word abstract and make sure that your title is short (70 characters at most, blanks included). The articles are to be aimed at the general public, not at specialist demographers. Ideally, the articles will be popular summaries of longer articles already published in a scientific journal, but this is not a requirement. The aim is to bring sound scientific research in the field of population to a broader audience. Publication in N-IUSSP will stand as evidence of the ‘impact’ of your research because of its international reach. Our goal is for N-IUSSP to become a major source for journalists around the world. Articles will be published in either English or French and may be subject to style and language editing. If your English or French is not perfect, please send your articles anyway as N-IUSSP offers language editing. In geographic terms, articles can relate to an area of a country, to a single country or to multiple countries.
Note, N-IUSSP is a venue for evidence-based, argued research; it is not a venue for ‘ideological rants’. It is also not a venue for papers that have been rejected by scientific journals. And it is not a venue for plain description of data that that can be easily found on the web. In short, we want well-grounded summary overviews, pointing at issues of general interest and, whenever feasible, indications of possible solutions. The language and style should be those of a good newspaper, or a weekly magazine. So, please, no equations, no models, nothing of this kind. Ideally, N-IUSSP highlights the policy implications of scientific work, preferably already accepted for presentation in some scientifically valid context (e.g. a demographic conference or a journal).
Articles should be submitted to contact@niussp.org. In so doing, please include a very short description of yourself (e.g., Assistant professor of Demography, University of XXX, COUNTRY) and tell us whether you are a member of IUSSP (in which case you are already in the N-IUSSP mailing list) or not (in which case we will include you in this list)
We will respond rapidly. Our aim is to have a rapid turnaround to publication.
Everybody is free to reproduce our articles, for free, provided the original source is cited.