Overpopulation hitting the poorest as family planning remains contentious in Nigeria
Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa and the largest Black demographic in the world. If current trends continue, the country is projected to become the third most populous … Read more
How climate change affects population dynamics (Raya Muttarak)
Fertility, mortality and migration are the three main factors that guide demographic dynamics; the same three factors that climate change has been strongly impacting on. Throughout her talk, Raya Muttarak … Read more
Will the EU Run Out of People?
The European Union is standing at a demographic crossroads. Current trends suggest a looming population collapse, with birth rates dwindling and the median age steadily rising. This demographic shift could … Read more
The countries most at risk of population collapse
Is the Earth over or under populated? For many decades the Earth’s population has grown astronomically but as the growth rate slows and eventually started to decline, could it be … Read more
8 demographic trends for a world of 8 billion people
Discover the 8 demographic trends that will shape the world as the global population continues to grow.UNFPA
100 million displaced people
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency: The number of people forced to flee their homes has increased every year over the past decade and now stands at the highest level since … Read more
8 billion strong – infinite possibilities for people and planet
Our world is approaching a landmark moment in human history. On 15 November 2022, the global population is projected to reach 8 billion people. Thanks to science, technology, and groundbreaking … Read more
The World’s Craziest Population Pyramids
A population pyramid is a way to visualize two variables: age and gender. They are used by demographers, who study populations. A population pyramid is a graph that shows the … Read more
Why are women paid less than men?
The Economist – The gender pay gap is not caused by women earning less than men for the same job. It is largely because women choose different careers and suffer … Read more
Effondrement démographique
En 2050, le déclin démographique attendu dans la majorité des pays du monde bouleversera le financement des retraites et accentuera les pénuries de main-d’œuvre.
Gravitas Plus: The world’s fertility rate is falling. Here’s why
Is motherhood a moral imperative for women? Today, couples around the world are choosing to stay child-free. Fertility rates have dropped. Governments are offering inducements to couples to have children. … Read more
Africa’s Demographic Transition: Planning for the Future of Africa’s Youth
Africa’s growing population of young people is an economic resource that could bring positive change to the continent’s economic future. African countries are experiencing what is known as the demographic … Read more
Why Age? Should We End Aging Forever?
If you could decide today… how long do you want to live?
Who is an Internally Displaced Person? Internally displaced people (IDPs) have not crossed a border to find safety. Unlike refugees, they are on the run at home. IDPs stay within their own country and remain … Read more
Could We Control Human OVER Population?
Experts estimate that by 2050 there could be 10 billion humans on earth. With human population growing so rapidly could we control population growth in the future? BBC Earth Lab
Is overpopulation really a problem for the planet?
Developing countries have long been blamed for destroying the environment with their large families. Overpopulation has been identified as the enemy. But how accurate is this claim exactly? We’re destroying … Read more
IT Population Size Comparison By Countries • World Population Map
World Population in 2020
World population 2020 visualized with 8 000 wooden blocks. Every block represents 1 million inhabitants. Every continent is represented with a different colour.
Foreign Born Population in the U S (1850 to 2019)
This Dynamic Graph Shows the Foreign population of the United States by country of birth from 1850 to 2019. Foreign born refers to people residing in the USA who were … Read more
How coronavirus charts can mislead us
Much of the data about the coronavirus epidemic and covid-19 is flawed. It is collected and reported in different ways by different countries, and almost certainly undercounts the number of … Read more
Impact of demographic change in Europe
Findings by the European Commission show the need to be well-equipped to support people through demographic change
Is the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. declining?
The latest Pew Research Center data estimates there were 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2017, down significantly from a decade prior. In this video, our researchers … Read more
What do we know about data on environmental migration?
Disaster displacement forces millions of people away from their homes every year. Many more move in the context of environmental changes. Estimating the number of people affected remains a challenge … Read more
L’Europe de l’Est se dépeuple
François Beaudonnet a enquêté cette semaine sur une phénomène européen dont personne ne parle: l’hémorragie démographique. Des centaines de milliers de jeunes des pays de l’Est ont quitté leur terre … Read more
UNHCR’s global trends in forced displacement – 2018 figures
The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million in 2018 – the highest level that UNHCR has seen in its almost 70 years. UNHCR reports on … Read more
Small families, small planet
The planet is in trouble – but saving it might be easier than you think. We shocked and surprised these people with the facts. Their responses might get you thinking. … Read more
Causes and effects of Climate change. National Geographic
What causes climate change (also known as global warming)? And what are the effects of climate change? Learn the human impact and consequences of climate change for the environment, and … Read more
World Migration – How much do you know
This video presents key numbers and facts about migration discussed in the World Migration Report 2018. It also challenges misconceptions on migration often circulated in various media.
World population day in numbers – BBC News
When the first World Population Day was marked in 1990, the global population stood at a little over five billion. It’s now over half that again, measuring 7.6 billion. July … Read more
Overpopulation – The Human Explosion Explained
In a very short amount of time the human population exploded and is still growing very fast. Will this lead to the end of our civilization?
Comprendre le réchauffement climatique en 4 minutes
Pourquoi l’homme est-il aujourd’hui considéré comme le principale responsable du changement climatique en marche ? Quel est exactement son impact sur les processus naturels qui régissent la planète ? Hausse … Read more
Global trends 2016: 5 Facts about people forced to flee
UNHCR’s annual Global Trends report says an unprecedented 65.6 million people were uprooted from their homes by conflict and persecution at the end of 2016. Here are 5 key facts … Read more
How Did the World Population Change?
A tribute to Hans Rosling (1948-2017) – Swedish stats guru and public educator Hans Rosling has died aged 68. In this spectacular section of The Joy Of Stats, broadcast by … Read more
Too young to wed. Child marriage in Guatemala
In Guatemala, it’s legal for a girl to marry as young as 14 — though many are married far younger than that. The result: Many girls marry men far older … Read more
The Population Cliff ! What are the Solutions
July 11 is World Population Day, as designated by the UN. It was established on the occasion of the global population exceeding the 5 billion mark, to raise awareness of … Read more
The demographic dividend explained
A country with both increasing numbers of young people and declining fertility has the potential to reap a ‘demographic dividend’ – a boost in economic productivity that occurs when there … Read more
The many faces of migration. A short film
“What is migration: A short film” is the illustration of the migration situation that we are living in the world right now. Millions of refugees running away from their homes … Read more
Voices in the Dark – Children on the Run
Children on the move are children firstUNHCR – With global forced displacement at a record high of 65.3 million, the number of unaccompanied and separated children seeking refuge is also … Read more
Human Population through time
It took 200,000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion—and only 200 years to reach 7 billion. But growth has begun slowing, as women have fewer babies on … Read more
Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights animation
It begins with the rights of one, it matters to everyone. Sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Demographic Dividend explained
The demographic dividend explained with graphics. Investing in young people, who now are the largest cohort of youth the world has ever known
World population growth
Watch human population grow from 1 CE to present and see projected growth in under six minutes. One dot = 1 million people.
2060 and the world population pyramid | The Economist
The World in 2015: Global population and the changing shape of world demographics