N-IUSSP is the news magazine of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) that disseminates scientific findings from population research carried out all over the world. Demographic trends and their implications, current and emerging population issues and policy implications are discussed in rigorous but plain language.
You are invited to contribute to this new publication: please check our guidelines and submit your 1000 word contribution to contact@niussp.org
Our history
Born in 2015, N-IUSSP, a weekly IUSSP magazine, has already published hundreds of public engagement articles, covering a large variety of topics, from all over the word. It will continue to do so, with the help of its readers: if you plan to submit a contribution (about 1000 words, preferably with figures or tables, or both), please check our guidelines and send it to: contact@niussp.or