Female education and fertility stalls in sub-Saharan Africa

Fertility and reproduction

July 1, 2024

Bruno Schoumaker, David A. Sánchez-Páez

Remittances may redefine the demographic support ratio

When measuring the demographic support ratio, including only the country’s residents may prove insufficient. Lukas Tohoff, Daji Landis, Letizia Mencarini, and Arnstein Aassve develop a novel demographic indicator to account ... Read more

The rise of nontraditional rural families in Canada and the USA 

What has happened to traditional two-married-parent families in rural America and Canada? Shelley Clark and Matthew Brooks explore changes in rural and urban families over the past three decades to ... Read more

Stagnant motherhood work time penalty in Great Britain over 30 years

More and more mothers with young children stay in the labor market today. In the United Kingdom, the share has risen from 62% in 1989 to 72% in 2023. However, ... Read more

Drivers of fathers’ parental leave uptake in Belgium

Using longitudinal register data for Belgium, Jonas Wood, Leen Marynissen and Dries Van Gasse find that fathers who earn less than their female partners are more likely to use parental ... Read more

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases around the globe

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) is the leading cause of death worldwide, in high, middle and low-income countries. Emerson A. Baptista and Bernardo L. Queiroz investigate whether CVD mortality rates ... Read more

Age structure changes and the potential for demographic dividends 

The demographic dividend describes the economic growth potential based on shifts towards a larger share of working-age population when fertility declines in the course of the demographic transition. Markus Dörflinger ... Read more

Did you know?

Permanent migration to OECD countries reached 6.1 million in 2022, a 26% increase compared with 2021, and its highest level since at least 2005. Rising labour migration was one contributing factor, as migrant workers have helped lower labour and skills shortages in OECD countries.

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